Underground Storage Tanks

State & Federal Compliance

ATLAS ENVIRONMENTAL COMPANY manages all aspects of UST compliance and management including registration, inspection, integrity testing, and operator training. ATLAS helps UST owners keep abreast of new regulations, be better prepared for inspections, and avoid enforcement action. ATLAS can save you money and keep you in compliance by managing any or all of your regulatory requirements in conjunction with training.

Removal and Closure

ATLAS has extensive experience overseeing the removal and abandonment in-place of UST systems and investigating any residual impacts to soil or water. ATLAS ensures that the removal is documented as required and the tank site restored according to prepared specifications. If impacts to the site have been detected, then ATLAS determines the most cost effective response strategy based on the client’s requirements. If formal closure is the goal, then ATLAS can evaluate the best combination of remediation, environmental land use restriction, engineered controls or change in groundwater classification to achieve verification by a Licensed Environmental Professional.

UST Petroleum Clean-Up Program

ATLAS has a Record of Achieving Optimal Results by:

  • Pre-approval of work plans
  • Representation at Review Board meetings
  • Staying abreast of regulations
  • Close relationships with CTDEEP
  • Cost-effective solutions
  • Complete and acceptable applications
Atlas Environmental Atlas Environmental

UST Operator Training

On-Site Training and Compliance Tools

ATLAS Environmental company comes to your facility to train and certify your personnel as Class A, Class B and Class C UST Operators. ATLAS inspects your facility, and help you prepare custom Monthly Inspection Checklists, Operator Response Guidelines, and procedures to manage and maintain compliance.

Classroom Training

ATLAS offers Class A and Class B operator classroom training to comply with the latest Connecticut UST regulations. ATLAS training includes what you need to know to stay in compliance, and gives you direction on how to create your own inspection forms and conduct your own Class C training. Our training allows you to become certified as a Class A, Class B, and Class C UST Operator.

Removal and Closure

ATLAS has extensive experience overseeing the removal and abandonment in-place of UST systems and investigating any residual impacts to soil or groundwater. ATLAS is comprised of experienced environmental engineers, geologists, scientists, technicians, and specialists that identify & resolve environmental concerns while protecting our client’s interests since 1994.

ATLAS helps UST owners keep abreast of new regulations, be better prepared for inspections, and avoid enforcement action. ATLAS can save you money and keep you in compliance by managing any or all of your regulatory requirements in conjunction with training your personnel. Our Clients are gas stations, oil companies, municipalities, school districts, utility companies, dry cleaners, developers, manufacturers, pharmaceutical companies, attorneys, realtors, marinas, auto body shops, golf course, state agencies and banks.